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Bloom Transitions

Title : Steering your organization's ecological transition!
The professional training course to help your teams understand the ecological and social issues at stake, initiate a strategic turnaround, equip yourself and take action!

#1 - Sharing a common understanding of systemic ecological issues: Planetary Limits, Doughnut Economics.

#2 - Appropriate methods using a Head, Heart, Body pedagogy to define a new strategic direction for your organization.

#- 3 - Discover tools for managing ecological strategy and impact

#4 - Activate your team's highest potential to achieve your strategic goals!

Main objectives

Profils des participants

Acteurs de transitions

Managers, Facilitateurs

Formateurs, Professeurs

Dirigeants, Maires

Chargés d’innovation, Coachs


Et tout dirigeant souhaitant amener ses équipes dans une dynamique de transition écologique de sa stratégie !

Program type

NB1: In the case of intra-organizational training, the content of the Bloom program can be tailored to meet the organization's specific objectives.

NB2 : This professional training can be covered by your OPCO and FNE.

Understanding the Stockholm Resilience Center's Planetary Limits and Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economy

Explore the effects of systems thinking and analysis in relation to ecological and social issues.

Understanding the Doughnut Economy by Kate Raworth

Module 1 - Understanding systemic ecological issues

"De loin la meilleure formation que j'ai eu la chance de faire ! Je suis venu pour inspirer ma pratique managériale et trouver des solutions à des problématiques d'animation d'équipes pour favoriser l'engagement de chacun. Je suis reparti avec des outils et des processus que j'ai pu mettre en œuvre rapidement et les résultats ont été au dessus de toutes mes attentes. J'ai observé une hausse de la motivation, une appropriation par les équipes de la stratégie (coconstruite) et de sa mise en œuvre."

Eric T

Manager et Membre Comité de Direction

"Cette formation est arrivée juste à temps dans ma vie après 5 ans de travail intense, 2 enfants et une transition professionnelle. Elle me prouve, par le vécu que nous avons partagé, que pour changer le monde, la théorie est utile, mais surtout que la facilitation écologique est clé ! Prendre le temps de s'adapter totalement à son audience pour décupler l'impact et la portée des messages et actions à partager pour protéger la planète. A appliquer tout de suite et avec le plus grand nombre !"

Déborah P

Scientifique, conférencière, fondatrice d'Earthship Sisters

"Une expérience humaine fabuleuse et profonde sur la facilitation écologique qui, à partir de soi, permet d’ouvrir les possibles pour accompagner les individus et les groupes vers leurs plus hauts potentiels, au service d’une transformation positive du monde."

Nathalie Van Volsom

Graphic Facilitation

Pedagogy and bonuses!

This training program uses a pedagogical approach that brings what it teaches to life. 
The conditions are set for the emergence of the training participants' highest potential. The experience of a successful experiment will irrigate participants' practice for a long time to come. 
The pedagogy is designed to meet the needs both of people who are new to the subjects covered, and of those who wish to enrich their knowledge of them.

Un des lieux partenaire : Domaine du Chalonge (près de Nantes)

Find out more and get a customized proposal!

Explore the potential and tools of Theory U as a team change process and experiment with a Theory U - 4D Social Presence Theater process to model a transition process to a new strategy.

Steer the landing on a roadmap/collective action plan to move forward by cultivating the quality of relationships and the commitment of team members.

Learn how to use the Du Côté Des Autres systemic facilitation technique to help model a problem within an ecosystem. It enables you to activate significant shifts in perspective and to gain the perspective needed to perceive the right action.

Module 2 - Change management using Theory U, Ott Scharmer, MIT and the Du Côté Des Autres method, Inspir4Transitions

Discover best practices in impact management from players who have made a difference. One of our partners is Maison Glaz (near Lorient). Its raison d'être is to contribute to three major societal causes: its territory, sustainable tourism and adaptation to climate change through coastal resilience.

Learn how to define and measure your impact!

Module 3 - Tools to manage strategy and impact

Explore the 5 inspiring choices - Inspir4transitions - to irrigate the posture of Regenerative Leadership and develop your posture as a facilitator of collective intelligence: rethink your positioning, your reading keys, your intentions, your interactions with other players to contribute to peaceful collective dynamics.

Better understand the basics of activating the group's highest potential: lay down simple yet subtle rules of "living together" or "collaboration" that enable everyone to take their rightful place within the collective.

Module 4 - Creating the conditions for the emergence of the team's highest potential

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